Mr. Duncan's Reading Books

1. 'A TO ZOOM' An instructional guide for teachers, tutors and parents to teach K-3rd graders how to read.

2. 'PHONICS PLUS BOOK I AND BOOK II' Books to teach reading through phonics (blending of the letters/sounding out) which has been proven to be the most successful method to teach reading.

3. 'GREEK ROOTS VOCABULARY I THROUGH VI' Vocabulary building books using the root of each word (originating from their Greek root).

4. 'THE SOUNDS OF THE LETTERS' AND 'READ A RHYME' COLORING WORKBOOKS The Sounds of the Letters teaches the vowels, consonants and consonant blends and Read A Rhyme teaches multi-syllable words. These coloring workbooks are tools to enhance what has been learned in 'A To Zoom'.

 'A To Zoom'
'A To Zoom'

'Phonics Plus Book I'
'Phonics Plus Book I'

 'Phonics Plus Book II'
'Phonics Plus Book II'

'Greek Roots Book I Ology'
'Greek Roots Book I Ology'

 'Greek Roots Book II Arith'
'Greek Roots Book II Arith'

 'Greek Roots  Book III Psych/Soma'
'Greek Roots Book III Psych/Soma'

 'Greek Roots Book IV Phobia And Mania'
'Greek Roots Book IV Phobia And Mania'

 'Greek Roots Book V Path'
'Greek Roots Book V Path'

  'Greek Roots Book VI Therap'
'Greek Roots Book VI Therap'

 'The Sounds Of The Letters'  Coloring Workbook
'The Sounds Of The Letters' Coloring Workbook

 'Read A Rhyme'  Coloring Workbook
'Read A Rhyme' Coloring Workbook


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